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“..Write the Vision and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it ” -Habakkuk 2:2

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Hey! It's time to create the vision....


Grab your free Biblical principles to goal setting guide


I've put together the very practical steps that have helped me shift my

 Godly visions into actionable steps!


No dream is too big for God!

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Are you tired of seeing your Godly visons stay stuck in your journal year after year. . .

Have you asked yourself why your long or short term goals are simply not coming into fruition. Are you ready to now seek the blueprint to life and achieving goals the way God intended. "Are you noticing thought patterns and habits that are not consistent with Christ? or have you simply fallen off and looking to be redirected in your walk with faith"


My goal is to support you execute your godly goals and visions by realigning your life from a foundation of biblical principle. The coaching process is covered in prayer and directed by the Holy Spirit.

Through Christ centred action plans and vision mapping I will hold you accountable, encourage and support you to reach all your outlined goals the way God desires it. 

You aspire to create that kingdom business...

All my practice is based on biblical principles, where we will work on using scripture, action plans and practical coaching tools to tackle areas where the enemy may be holding you back from your God given visions,  to break down your goals into achievable and actionable steps - and finally craft a plan that drives real results.


So why a Christian life + Goal setting coach? 

You may be wandering why you should make the investment in having a coach support you in achieving your goals... you may think that going to church regularly is enough to get you where you want to be. And you are not entirely wrong here..

However the unique aspect of Christian life coaching is its alignment with the biblical model of achieving effectiveness in business ,family life , relationships and ministry. The coaching process seeks to closely support clients on a 1-1 or intimate group setting to achieve a specific goal through the reliance on the holy spirit and biblical scripture throughout the entire process. Life coaching helps you create a roadmap from where you are to where you want to be. Neither the coach nor client focus on solving the solutions on their own initiative - they rely on what God would have them do.

Knowing the clients purpose starts with developing a good foundation with God though prayer, worship and bible study - Christian life coaches work on encouraging clients in these areas in order for you to grow professionally, socially and spiritually. Working with Christian life coach helps replace lies you believe about yourself and your circumstances with life-giving Biblical truth.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" - Jeremiah 29:11

Disclaimer: I do not provide therapy, counselling or mentoring, therefore if you do have unresolved issues from your past, you may want to seek a therapist or services of a Christian counselor.

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What do my coaching sessions entail?

Mind Renewal 

Romans 12:2 - "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind"

Mind renewal is a key component of our coaching sessions, we will work on creating Christ centered mindsets and managing limiting beliefs through meditating on biblical scripture and formulating relevant action plans. 1 Corinthians 2:16 says "we have the mind of Christ". Working on having the mind of Christ means adopting the plans, purpose and perspective of Christ, this is in order to achieve all your goals without compromising your dependence on God and your Christian values.

When you renew your mind with God's word you'll begin to walk in new found confidence, your ways of thinking change, the way you feel and your entire behavior begins to evolve - all in all this promotes the courage to follow your God given goals & dreams.


Action plan

Philippians 4:13- "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".

This scripture reminds us that nothing is out of our reach as long as we are led by Christ.

Through my coaching sessions we will work through tailored action plans which focus on guiding you towards your desired goals, and key areas of your life that require fine tuning. Through the  incorporation of biblical perspective into your decision making process, alongside tailored coaching methods we can work on unveiling Gods purpose for your life and utilizing the holy spirit in your walk.

By working with me you will begin to:

  • Uncover your God-Given Purpose

  • Set Faith-Aligned goals

  • Overcome obstacles with Faith

  • Develop a personalized action plan

  • Grow spiritually and personally

  • Stay accountable and motivated

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