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Hello ...

My name is Adjoa! 

An internationally accredited life coach, I cant wait to work with you all to create the dreams and goals you have always envisioned.. I know you will get there because we walk by Gods strength and not our own.  

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My Story

Now that you are here let me tell you a bit about myself.. I'm a mother to a beautiful girl, a fearless women of God and an internationally accredited Christian life coach and foundation level NLP practitioner certified by the Coaching masters. My career actually started as a neonatal nurse in 2018, I loved my role and I always had a desire to help others , but i knew there was more to helping others than simply in a hospital. I have always been a believer of Christ for as long as i can remember but in 2019 my encounter with anxiety and severe depression drew me closer to faith. In this time it wasn't about simply believing in God, it was about an actual bond and relationship with the holy spirit through reading the bible, applying scripture and daily prayer that got me through my darkest days. During this encounter with Christ i had the revelation that God has in fact prepared a roadmap to life for us all and the bible was in fact our manual to getting to where he has planned. Jeremiah 29:11 one of my favorite scriptures reminds us that God has a plan for us, plans to give us hope and a future. When i began applying the knowledge of biblical scripture to my own life i began to see drastic changes and blessings in my life. God blessed me with a beautiful home for myself and daughter, a peaceful work environment, my identity was restored and most importantly i began to slowly reap the fruits of the spirit which he promises we can all gain if we walk with him - " But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness , goodness , faithfulness, gentleness and self control- Galatians 5:22. As a walking testimony to the power of operating from a foundation of faith in achieving your goals and desires i knew it was my job to offer other Christian women the support and encouragement through well formulated coaching tools and tailored Christ centered action plans.  

As your life coach I will walk you through uncovering your God given assignment; achieving confidence in your identity and revising all limiting beliefs - as a result you will gain the clarity to achieve all your intended goals and desires.

Will you make that investment today!

Much Love

 Adjoa Prempeh



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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